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Electric Airsoft Rifles

Electric airsoft rifles also known as AEGs offer ease of use, consistent performance and reliability that can last an entire day. Airsoft AEGs are powered by airsoft batteries and use a motor, gears and spring to drive a piston to propel the airsoft BB pellets out of the gun. While AEGs may not offer the most realistic shooting experience compared to gas airsoft rifles, electric airsoft rifles require less maintenance in game and offer consistent performance regardless of temperature making them ideal for newer shooters. Popular models of AEGs include the airsoft AR15/M4airsoft AK47, airsoft MP5 and airsoft G3. Popular airsoft electric rifle brands include Tokyo Marui, ARES, KRYTAC, CYMA, and G&G.

    Players new to airsoft often begin their journey with electric airsoft guns — also known as automatic electric guns (AEGs) — because they offer consistent performance and reliability with minimal maintenance. 

    Electric airsoft guns function using lithium-ion polymer (lipo) batteries, so all you have to do before heading to the airsoft field is ensure they’re charged up and ready to go. Besides gas-powered airsoft guns, electric airsoft guns are one of the more popular platforms you’ll encounter on the airsoft field. 

    What Is an Electric Airsoft Gun? 

    Airsoft players typically use an electric airsoft gun (AEG) as their primary weapon. Many of these models are replicas of real-steel guns that may or may not be available for purchase. 

    Like other types of airsoft guns, AEGs are made from steel and/or polymer components that make the gun look more authentic and — in the case of polymer parts — lighten the gun to make it more maneuverable. 

    Most electric airsoft guns accept low-capacity (cap), mid-cap, and high-cap magazines. In addition, you can also run a drum mag that contains several hundred, if not a thousand or more, BBs. Popular brands include Tokyo Marui, ARES, KRYTAC, CYMA, and G&G. 

    Although AEGs are not as realistic as gas blowback (GBB) rifles or pistols, they’re still just as much fun to run on the airsoft field. Whereas gas-powered airsoft guns are more affected by changes in temperature, electric airsoft guns offer more consistency in their performance. 

    As long as you keep your batteries charged, your AEG is practically always ready to go. 

    How Does an Electric Airsoft Gun Work?

    As the name suggests, electric airsoft guns are powered by batteries and use a motor, gears, and spring to drive a piston and propel BBs down range. In a nutshell, the electric airsoft gun’s trigger fires a motor that relies on a set of gears to compress the main spring. 

    As the spring tension builds and then releases, it creates a charge of compressed air that propels the BB out of the barrel and down range. 

    Longer-barreled AEGs offer the power and accuracy you need to reach out to greater distances, but shorter-barreled AEGs are best for close-quarters battle (CQB) scenarios. Some electric airsoft guns have simulated electric blowback (EBB), but otherwise, there’s very little recoil. For these reasons, AEGs are ideal for military simulation (mil-sim) games. 

    You can mount numerous accessories to an electric airsoft gun, including quick detach (QD) sling mounts, Picatinny rail sections, red dots, rifle scopes, suppressors, and tracer units. Upgrading AEGs requires replacing internals with upgraded parts like a tight bore barrel, hop-up bucking, motor, gears, and main spring. 

    What Are Some Popular Electric Airsoft Rifles?

    Several manufacturers make electric airsoft guns, each with their own style, performance, and availability. 

    Check out some of the more popular electric airsoft guns available at eHobby Asia: 

    When choosing your first AEG airsoft gun, comparing and contrasting all the possibilities can be overwhelming. In addition to trying as many different types of AEGs as you can get your hands on — either through friends and family or by renting an airsoft gun at the field — you can also find more information on our blog. 

    For example, learn the difference between airsoft gas vs. electric (AEG), discover the top 10 best cheap airsoft guns, and brush up on the airsoft skills every player should master.