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CO2 Airsoft Rifles

Check out our wide selection of CO2 Airsoft Rifles and SMGs!

CO2 airsoft rifles and SMGs are powered by a removable CO2 cartridge usually based in the magazine, CO2 stored in the canister is then delivered to the nozzle for both realistic blow back and to propel the airsoft BB out the gun. CO2 offers higher pressure than green gas, giving greater power but also allows for stable operation in colder weather. CO2 guns can shoot either semi-auto or full-auto and can be either have a non-blowback (NBB) or gas blowback style (GBB) of action for most magazine fed rifles. Notable brands for CO2 rifles include Marushin, G&G and Umarex.


    How do CO2 airsoft rifles work?

    CO2 airsoft rifles are powered by compressed carbon dioxide cartridges located in the gun’s magazine. When the shooter pulls the trigger he releases a hammer that strikes the gas release on the magazine or rifle’s firing pin which releases the CO2 and directs it to a nozzle to propel the airsoft BB out the gun and move the bolt if it is a GBB. It is important to note that CO2 delivers much higher pressure than green gas, giving greater power but also allows for stable operation in colder weather. It must however be noted that due to the extreme pressure of CO2 cartridges being a potential safety risk, parental supervision is advised for younger and less experienced shooters.

    Where is the CO2 cartridge on an airsoft rifle?

    CO2 cartridges can be stored in a variety of locations but are most often located in a rifle’s magazine. This is convenient as it means there will be enough CO2 to fire a full magazine’s worth of rounds. The rifle’s stock is another popular location to place a cartridge, especially for guns that may not be magazine fed like lever action rifles.